“On top can be a feeling, a perspective, or a physical location…” —Daily Post
How about combining all three? I joined the IBEW at the beginning of my second year of apprenticeship, and that makes this year number 46 in an amazing career. When I retired last week, this beautiful double-chocolate cake was waiting for me when I got to work. A couple of retired bridge electricians, everyone in the EShop and one of our Business Managers came to see me that night for a final good-bye. Our Bridge Manager even stopped by to present a 15-year award to me and share in the celebration.
My last night at work was a mixture of shift duties and good-byes. I was like a bear at a picnic—everyone was giving me food. This cake was followed by a slice of garlic clams pizza chased down by Raspberry/Blackberry pie and chocolate ice cream in the Tow Shack. After that settled down, the Patrolmen & Sergeants treated me to Tri-tip steak and mashed potatoes, salad, garlic bread and cheesecake.
That night I came to understand something that I heard TV Chef/World Traveler Anthony Bourdain say on one of his shows [paraphrasing]: “When you go somewhere and a person offers you food, you eat it. It might be the most disgusting thing that you have ever put in your mouth, but to them it is the best way that they honor guests. So, just like going to Grandma’s house, you eat it, smile, and ask for seconds”. Fortunately the food was excellent all night long and seconds were in order.
When I got home The Lioness and her sister had banners, bugles and a nosh plate of meat and cheese to celebrate the occasion. I felt truly loved and appreciated and, for the first time upon leaving a job, I felt as though I would be missed. I am no longer on top of the Golden Gate Bridge but I am on top of the world, thanks to co-workers, friends and family.
Fabulous, Allan 🙂 Congratulations on your retirement. Here’s to a happy one!
Thanks, Jo. So far it is a blast.