Category: Multimedia Monday

Stories are everywhere—written, spoken painted , or sculpted. We will take a look at them all, right here, each Monday.

Man vs. Machine

We have the technology in front of us; why would we not use it? Millions of people get to know whether or not it’s a ball or strike, yet the poor dude behind home plate is the one left in the dark. —Eric Byrnes Tomorrow night—Tuesday, September 27, 2016—the idea of using a computer to…

Rescued Film

The Rescued Film Project collects undeveloped film, processes it and makes the images available to view for the first time. The origin of the film varies. Some of the film was discovered in cameras picked up in garage sales. In other instances the film was been squirreled away in basements and attics—overlooked, perhaps forgotten—definitely neglected until now. If…