Category: Life

Lumps, bumps and triumphs along the Broad Highway

Happy Holidays

I’m going to be taking some time off from blogging until after the new year. I have some posts scheduled to roll out while I’m gone and I will be checking in every now and then until I resume my regular contributions. I hope that your holidays are full of family, friends, and fun and…


September 11, 2001 fell on a Tuesday and I heard the news about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center tower on the radio at home. While The Lioness and I were getting ready for work I turned on the television set

It’s Burning, Man

Dateline 1986: Larry Harvey and Jerry James build a human effigy and burn it on a San Francisco beach. …it was supremely romantic. And so two years later, having thought of this morning and night for a couple of years I woke up and it was the solstice, and I thought “I’m tired of this.” So…

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