We Have a Winner! 2017-18 One-Liner Wednesday Badge

Congratulations to Dan for his winning design of the new One-liner Wednesday badge.

Linda G. Hill

It was a pretty tight race there for a while, but we have a clear winner for this year’s One-Liner Wednesday badge – no intervention by yours truly was needed.

Before I announce the winner, let’s take one more opportunity to appreciate the retiring badge by Wes. Wes’s badge served us well for over a year. With poignant quotes and a lovely backdrop, this wonderful badge will be missed.

#1linerWeds badge by nearlywes.com

Thanks, Wes, where ever you are!

Now for our runners-up:

In a tie for last place, we have Prompt Tree by Lisa and I’m Up Here! by Maggie .

In fourth, it’s Black and White by Allan.

A close third was had with Yellow Badge by Matt

I hope all of you, as well as our second place contestant will try again next time. It’s been fun, hasn’t it? 😀

For a while it was neck…

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  2 comments for “We Have a Winner! 2017-18 One-Liner Wednesday Badge

  1. May 23, 2017 at 5:43 PM

    I liked yours as well, Allan, but there can only be one!! 🙂



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