This week, share a photo that says Danger! to you…
—WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge
How many times, and how many ways, can we help people protect themselves? In my experience the short answer is, we can’t. Advisory warning labels can be posted and training classes can be hosted, but if a worker is not motivated to take care of himself, it is all for naught.
On the positive side, it is the guy who is missing a finger or the use of an eye who can get the attention and make a connection with the individual who is the most hard-headed, unsafe employee.
It is a lot easier to RTFM and follow the directions, but it is a personal choice.
Work safe.
Sound advice. Always beware the apprentice, but also the guy who could do it with his eyes closed!
Right on, Peter. I had a friend who was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and he said that the most dangerous pilots were the ones that had 1,000 hours of flight. They knew enough to be dangerous to themselves and those onboard.
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I never mess with anything like that Allan.
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Once I was teaching a new guy to work on a color monitor and was doing the “safety talk.” So I say (sarcastically), “Never touch the big red wire, unless you want a real charge out of life.” New guys says, “You mean this one?” and the proceeds to grab the red wire on the flyback transformer (25kv in that set and the set was powered on). He went down like a sack of potatoes. Lucky for him he regained conciseness before I started CPR, but not before my lab assistant got 911 on the phone. The paramedic crew wasn’t happy when I insisted that new guy be transport to the hospital to have his common sense examined. New guy didn’t work for me the next day.
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That’s right up there with, “When I nod my head, hit it….” Thanks, Andrew.
Good advice. We might add Beware of the Host of the Apprentice.
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Sometimes too many stickers and the eyes glaze over and bad behavior surfaces.