“…share an image where you see a particularly strong connection between what we see and what you felt as you pressed that shutter button on your camera or phone.”
—WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge
Spring awaits. A time for new beginnings with different endings.
I used the Hipstamatic app (Smith Lens/Cheshire Film/Jolly Rainbo 2X Flash combination) to take this photo.
A good Saturday morning to you, Allan. I really like your photo and the reason you chose it. I, too, am looking forward to spring, for a variety of reasons, but any winter that’s thrown my way I’ll enjoy as well. On my drive to Ohio, I got to see the beauty of the snow in Indiana, snow left from the big storm that moved through on Wednesday. I do enjoy the seasons as well as the seasons of life, although I’m definitely NOT in the spring season of life. 🙂
Like Frank Sinatra sang, “We’re in the Autumn of our years…”
And that’s Okay.
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Now that’s a serene sky that just beckons with possibility. 🙂
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It was just that kind of day.
Spring is close ! YaaY.. I have so much work to do on my land 😮
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Easy does it.
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The Hipstamatic combination almost creates a neon effect.
Almost neon. I like the way it turned out, whatever it is.
Beautiful combination from Hista and your eye! Your’r so fast with WPC!!
When I saw the topic I knew what I wanted to enter. Life’s lucky that way, sometimes.
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