Cee’s Oddball Challenge: Week 52

We’re having a lovely Spring this Winter as you can see by the frost on the Azaleas that are blooming on our front hillside.


This photo was taken with the Hipstamatic app using the Mabel Lens/Hackney Film/Jolly Rainbo 2X Flash combination.


  4 comments for “Cee’s Oddball Challenge: Week 52

  1. December 29, 2015 at 10:00 AM

    Hmmm frost and azaleas I can’t imagine. Our stop blooming way before we frost. 😀 What a difference a day’s driving south can make.


  2. December 27, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    Thankfully nothing’s blooming here, Allan, but I’m worried about plants sprouting if it doesn’t get and stay cold. I think I heard we’re getting a winter storm watch for tomorrow, so that might help, although it might not help our daughter’s flight out!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. December 27, 2015 at 11:35 AM

    The tulip trees are doing their usual early blooming over here.
    Nice photo combo.


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