Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge: Week 36

I got very familiar with the Hipstamatic app this past Summer in my window seat on a series of cross-country flights. Hour by hour I tried different lens/film/flash combinations, saving the ones I liked and discarding the rest. I learned a lot about the features of the app and I hope that you are enjoying the results.

According the the GPS info in the photo, this was taken somewhere over Pinnacles National Park, CA—that’s odd because the iPhone was in the airplane mode and incommunicado (or so I thought).


I used the Hipstamatic app (Sergio lens, Maximus LXIX film combination) to take this photo and then made edits using the Pixlr app.

cee's-odd-ball badge


  5 comments for “Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge: Week 36

  1. September 7, 2015 at 3:08 PM

    Like, Allan. As for the phone, who knows what it can and can’t do. 🙂



  2. September 7, 2015 at 8:51 AM

    Such a patriotic odd ball this week. Thanks Allan.


  3. September 6, 2015 at 2:29 PM

    No matter where you are there you are. Beautiful edit!


    • September 6, 2015 at 3:29 PM

      Thanks, Carol. I have a lot of airplane wings and clouds that I am sorting thru in waves. Ω

      Sent from my iPad



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