In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Fresh.”
The sound of lawnmowers filled the air and mixed with the fresh scent of mowed grass. Pollen from the Cyprus trees joined the chorus as I walked past the H Quarters Officers’ Housing row on Mare Island.
The Commanding Officer’s Mansion was a gleaming example of the naval mindset: A place for everything and everything in its place.
I took this image with the ToonCamera app and used CameraBag2 to make edits.
The grass and pollen made me sneeze before I realized what an amazing composition this is. Then I had to salute the CO’s HQ mansion.
Thanks, Al.
I can’t wait to mow for the first time. No matter how late I mow in fall, I never get the lawn as ready for winter as I’d like.
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Funny choice: trade the snowblower for a lawnmower. Ω
When we moved from the east side of Cleveland (snow belt) to Naperville (much less snow), we never bought another snow blower. But a lawn mower is necessary!
I hope that you have a long growing-season so you can use it to your heart’s content. Ω
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