While looking for an entry for Cee’s weekly B&W challenge I found this photo in my archives. At first I thought that it was an example of redundancy—a light pole with a banner of a light pole on it— but after mulling it over I choose to view it as an inspirational event: Perhaps the lowly parking lot light pole wants to grow up and become a sidewalk light pole on the bridge. Or not. Yeah…it has been that kind of day.
Update: I have been selected by Cee as one of five Featured Bloggers this week. Thanks to Cee and congratulations to the other bloggers selected for this honor.
Congrats! Love the effect on this 🙂
Nice post-processing. I like your humor about the pole wanting to grow up, lol.
Thanks, Jeremy. I like the editing effect and the “growing up” part only occurred to me as I sat and looked at the final product.
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Hi Allan,
Congratulations! I have selected your post to be featured in Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge.
I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Wow—thank you, Cee. My week just got better, in spite of the weather.
I’m having some weird weather too this week. You are welcome.
Very cool photo. Thanks Alan for participating.
Love this shot, it almost looks as though the picture is underwater!
I used Snapseed to add some texture and it looked to me like the photo was printed on a leather surface, but now I can see what you observed (and it may be more to the point).
Thanks for the comment, Jude.
The idea of a parking lot light becoming a bridge light gave me a chuckle.