Moving Away From Multimedia Monday

“…graphic communication, and the ability to preserve and transmit messages beyond a single moment in time, may be much older than we think.” TED website

This past October I was struggling with whether or not to continue this weekly feature that I started last year. I was about to enter the yearly NaNoWriMo challenge and felt it best not to change anything else that I was doing at the time.

Two months have passed and and I have been reassessing my blog and preparing for the year ahead. According to the WordPress annual report my top 5 posts range from March 2012 to December 2013 and that is a bit of a surprise. When I think back about those posts and that time period I realize that I was having a lot more fun creating them than I have been having lately.

After much thought and consideration I have made the decision to loosen my ‘leash’ and free myself of the weekly deadline every Monday. Multimedia Monday is not dead, it will re-appear as the mood strikes me.

While I ponder what to do next, you might want to see how our ancestors began to leave messages for future generations.

What message do you wish to leave for future generations?

  4 comments for “Moving Away From Multimedia Monday

  1. alstacer
    January 4, 2016 at 2:26 PM

    Kilroy was here ◔_◔ & so was Al OTW. Happy 2016!


    • January 4, 2016 at 3:22 PM

      Bits & Bytes, I love it. Happy New Year right backatcha, Al.


  2. January 4, 2016 at 5:58 AM

    It’s an important exercise to reassess and spark the creative juices with the known and unknown. Happy year ahead for you and yours.


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