Multimedia Monday Followup

Emotion LigoranoReese IAMI, 2014 Courtesy of Catharine Clark Gallery

IAMI, 2014
Courtesy of Catharine Clark Gallery

I have an update to last week’s post, The Dynamic Portrait, which took a look a pair of artists who combined data from trackers and daily answers to an online questionnaire to create a real-time look at a person’s physical and mental states throughout the day—in other words, a dynamic portrait.

Thursday afternoon I was in San Francisco for a retiree’s luncheon and afterwards I went to the Catharine Clark Gallery () to view the LigoranoReese exhibit for myself.

I was amazed by the level of artistry that transformed a steady stream of data into a slowly evolving colorful tapestry. You might compare the experience to viewing a flat-screen Lava lamp, but you would be short-changing the amount thought that went into deciding how-best to display information in a pleasing, yet relevant, way.

edited indicator lights_Snapseed

Flashing lights can hypnotize

At this point my life-experience as an electrician kicked in and I spent about 20 minutes analyzing how these panels were constructed and guessing at what the different color combinations meant. I was particularly fascinated by the points where the fiber-optic strands carrying data intersected—I wanted to know if there was meaningful information there, or how it might relate to the entire tapestry of the moving portrait.

My last 15 working years were spent at the Golden Gate Bridge and as a member of the Electric Shop I spent a lot of time paying attention to flashing indicator lights, and especially to the ones that were supposed to flash and didn’t.

By the end of my visit I had more questions than when I arrived and that, I feel, is a function of good Art.


Exhibit location:
Catharine Clark Gallery
248 Utah Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Hours: Tu-Sat 11-6, Th 11-7

Here is an informative video about this exhibit: I•M•I



  5 comments for “Multimedia Monday Followup

  1. December 22, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    A very interesting but understandable perspective based on your background Allan. Our history shapes our way of thinking that’s for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. December 22, 2014 at 7:29 AM

    I really enjoyed the cyber-visit you shared. Isn’t it strange how one’s day job (or former day job) affects the way you look at everything?


    • December 22, 2014 at 10:28 AM

      You are so right, Stephanie. I am only now understanding how much my training has shaped my journey in life and the way that I view things. I recently joined a writers group to help myself get to the “next level” of story-telling. For the last 15 years I kept a daily shift log at work which detailed what happened and what I did to correct it, or find appropriate help. It was a document that was admissible in court, so the idea of sitting down to write and “make something up” has been a tough nut to crack.

      I realize that we can’t solve our problems with the same mindset that created them and joining this group of talented writers has been a very positive step in moving into a new comfort zone.


  3. December 22, 2014 at 5:14 AM

    Sparkle someone else’s eyes….

    I smiled to consider how only an electrician would come away with that kind of a perspective on a display such as this! Love the Emotion photo.


    • December 22, 2014 at 10:39 AM

      Thanks for understanding—I guess that it would be like an Orthopedic Surgeon going to an exhibit of Rodin’s sculptures.

      Liked by 2 people

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