Daily Prompt: Ready, Set, Go

“Set a timer for ten minutes. Open a new post. Start the timer, and start writing. When the timer goes off, publish.” —The Daily Post at WordPress.com
It was a tough night to start a Graveyard shift. It was the Lioness’s birthday: a big one, the Double-nickel, 55 years. We had gone to dinner after she got home from work and now I was headed out to start work – 7 nights of the dreaded overnight shift. It was ‘Out of the blue and into the black’, to quote Neil Young.

I arrived at work, relieved my Swing shift co-worker and began making my rounds, checking on various parts of the mechanical plant that keep the buildings running at the Golden Gate Bridge Plaza.

I got to the Security Office and the On-duty Sergeant said, “We are having a problem with the North Bike gate. The contractor called us and said that a piece of it is loose and needs to be secured. They ty-rapped it as a temporary fix.”

“F—k me,” I thought, “this is going to mean two trips to the North end.”

“Can we take a look at it on camera?” I asked. “Maybe I will be able to see what I need to take with me to fix it?”

  4 comments for “Daily Prompt: Ready, Set, Go

  1. January 27, 2013 at 3:54 AM

    Well done, this is especially true with a 10 minute timer. Looking forward to you finishing


  2. January 24, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    So are you going to finish the story?


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