Ohm Sweet Ohm


…Take a photo from an actual edge…Focus on a sharp angle or object, or show us the outer margins of a building, a face, or a book. —WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

Hunter S. Thompson famously observed: THE EDGE – there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. When I was still employed by the Golden Gate Bridge District I was among the many men and women who regularly “went over the edge.”

Climbing over the rail from the sidewalk and onto the chord of the bridge requires a sure grip and an awareness of where your feet and hands are at all times. It is called “three points of attachment” and it means that you only move one foot, or hand, at a time. The goal is to always keep either two hands and a foot (3 points) or two feet and a hand (3 points) attached to the bridge.

I took this photo of a co-worker one day when we were setting up to pull a run of wire in a conduit on the underside of the bridge.