Friday Fictioneers: Get Wet


Photo Prompt © Ted Strutz

Over at the Addicted to Purple blog, Rochelle has challenged us to write a story of ±100 words based on this photograph.

Title: Get Wet
Genre: Fiction
Word Count: 100

Andy struggled to get his pant legs tucked into a pair of rubber boots. “Why do we have to go out and work in this weather?”
Hank adjusted the fit of his plastic rain-suit. “Somebody has to do it.”
“We’re gonna get wet. I know it.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
“C’mon, Hank.”
“It’s a fact, pardner.”
“Why? Why can’t we just wait?”
“Because this is what we signed up for. Whether you work in a light rain for a long time or in a heavy rain for a short time, you will get wet.”

  2 comments for “Friday Fictioneers: Get Wet

  1. Sue
    February 13, 2017 at 12:34 PM


    Liked by 2 people

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