Fog City

“The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.” —Carl Sandburg

…show us the effect of time and the elements.
—WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

Well, Bubba, here’s how it works in the San Francisco Bay Area: The fog can advance as a solid wall of white from horizon to horizon along the coast and stay for days on end, feasting on your desire to see a patch of blue sky. It’s called “The Hand of God” at the North end of the Golden Gate Bridge where it spills down the Headlands into Sausalito.

The fog can slide into the Golden Gate Straight below the bridge and fill the Bay like pouring milk into a bowl of cereal. Commuters on the buses from Marin will always pause what they are doing and take in the view as they exit the Waldo Robin Williams tunnel.

July is the foggiest month of the year and the fog is the number one enemy of electricians at the Golden Gate Bridge. The weathering effect on conduit, straps, screws, boxes, light sockets and equipment is ongoing. Workers have to take appropriate action before it becomes a problem.

This week’s photo is a look at the accumulative effect of 75 years of rain and fog on an iron ladder that runs down from the base of the South tower to a walkway that connects to the Fender. I am fascinated by how the rust has exposed the various layers of steel in the horizontal rung of the ladder.



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  24 comments for “Fog City

  1. Pingback: Fog city
  2. January 12, 2018 at 4:53 PM

    That’s just a small example of how powerful nature really is, and how feeble we truly are by comparison.

    Liked by 1 person

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